Truly bespoke
usb cables

Unparalleled creativity
Uncompromising craftsmanship

Since 2020, VoxelMods has been a full-time Luxury Cable Artist based in Portland, Oregon. Voxel has crafted over 1,500 unique cables for clients all over the world with the goal of crafting the perfect cable for each client, offering every option under the sun!
Voxel uses the highest quality components, materials, and Cerakote coatings which lend themselves to Voxel’s goal of crafting high-end, luxury pieces of art. As a result, Voxel’s prices are higher than most, but he still offers cables at every pricepoint.
- In-Stock USB cable options range from $36 to $99+
- Custom USB Commissions range from $99 to $300+
- Audio Cables range from $50 to $300+
- PSU Cable Sets range from $500 to $1000+, depending on the scope

Voxel also crafts bespoke PSU power cable sets, audio cables, and other types of cable!

There are numerous ways you can customize your cables with me, but the easiest is to DM me on any social platform or email! I also offer consultations through the website, where you can initiate customization with me one-on-one after choosing the style of cable you want!

Customize a cable using any color of sleeve, cerakote, and more!

PSU Cables made using MDPC-X Sleeve

USB Cables of all kinds

Coil Photography

130+ Coils Sorted into 15 color groups

bespoke beyond

Voxel’s ordering pages give you a tremendous amount of customization options, but he knows that the truly unique cannot always be ordered through preset options! To that end, Voxel offers the utmost flexibility in customization through one-on-one communication.

You can talk to the artist himself to iron out details for uncommon requests such as:

  • Colorway Matching Assistance/Samples

  • Specific, bespoke lengths of coils, host cables, device leads, heatshrink, and more

  • Specific heatshrink accents: barrel accents, different colors in specific places, etc

  • Multi-color or custom cerakoted detachables

  • Anything that you can’f find in the preset options

  • Multiple coils, hosts, straight device leads or some combination thereof

VoxelMods was recently featured in a cable comparison by JDTechGear!

Watch this video to learn some cable basics, plus see how VoxelMods compares to some of his peers!

Ultra-Premium MDPC-X USB Cables for Mechanical Keyboards and more!